A Canadian's Response to The Fifth Estate
November 15th CBC Opinion Piece on the "Coutts Blockade"
In January 2022 Canadians formed a Freedom Convoy and traveled from the Westcoast to Ottawa in protest against government overreach. Many Canadians weren’t able to make the trek east, and instead gathered at boarders in their own provinces across the nation.
In Alberta, that location was the Coutts-Highway 4 junction and on January 29th Canadians slow rolled in into Coutts & Ottawa simultaneously. The events that happened during those cold winter weeks have become a chilling part of Canadian history, a history that is being distorted and twisted by the corrupt corporate media.
This past Friday, November 8th, marked ONE THOUSAND DAYS of incarceration for political prisoners Chris Carbert and Tony Olienick. Both men are held in federal prison in Drumheller, Alberta. They have been sentenced to 6.5 years and may be eligible for parole in 2025. Multiple appeals have been filed by defense and crown prosecutors, however there are no court dates set at this time.
This morning, the Fifth Estate released a piece called, “Coutts Blockade: Were convoy protesters ready for ‘a war with police’?”.
The Wright family were participants in the 2022 convoy protest of government tyranny, and are strong supporters of those who have been persecuted unjustly for participating in these peaceful protests. They continue to be active in the Freedom Community across the country and are a delight to all who get to meet them.
After viewing the “Filth” Estate episode released this morning, Mrs. Wright sent a response to the station ( fifthtips@cbc.ca ), as well as the so called ‘expert’ professor of criminology interviewed on the show ( oriola@ualberta.ca ).
She did an excellent job of calling them out and highlighting some very important details they had incorrect. These emails are available to read below, as permission has been given to share them here. Perhaps you may also be inspired to write an email.
The Fifth Estate
Expert for CBCs Fifth Estate piece on Coutts
More response links: